Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Who Is Jesus??

Who Is Jesus??

Who is Jesus to you today??

We've heard many times before
Jesus is to be your Rock to the core.
He is to be your everything
Your security and the main thing.

So we come to Him for healing
for strength and grace and pleading.
To intercede on our behalf
and guide us with His rod and staff.

What happens when our day is done
and the sickness still remains?
What happens to our hearts
when our longings remain unmet?
What happens to my faith
when I pray and pray and the request remains the same?
What happens to my heart
when dreams come crashing down?

Who is Jesus?
Is He only a Healer?
Is He only a Miracle worker?
Do I come to Him to see the loaves and fishes multiplied?
the sick healed?  the lame walking?
Who is Jesus?

Yes, Jesus is the Healer.  He is a Miracle worker.
But Jesus is so much more.
He wants to show me Him.
He wants me to know Him as Sustainer.
as Life.  as Strength for the hard that remains.
He is Messiah.  Redeemer.  Saviour.
He is Lover.  Friend at all times.
He is Truth. Life. and the Way.
He wants us to see Him and to know Him.
To search Him with our hearts
as the wise men did many years ago.

Yes, life has it's hard, but in the hard
we are to find Him as our all in all.
We are to seek Him.
The hard is meant to draw us to His embrace.

Our hearts are restless until they rest in Him.
 Our hearts are lonely until they find Him as a Friend.
Our hearts have aching spots that are meant to draw us to His arms of embrace.

If we come to Him for healing, alone,
we may be left disappointed.
If we come to Him for prayers to be answered,
our faith may be left to flounder.
But if we come to Him, wanting Him
wanting to know, we will find Him.
We will not be left destitute.

Who is Jesus to you today??
Some call Him prophet.  
Some call Him a good man.
Some say He is a miracle worker.
But who do you say He is??

Sometimes we look down the track of life and we cannot see where it goes.  Our dreams crashed. Our friendships are awry.  Sickness is hounding our bodies.  


It seems to prevail.

But Jesus' Greater Truth is... BROKENNESS DOES NOT PREVAIL!

I believe Jesus wants to ask us a question as He did to His disciples many years ago and we have it recorded in John 9:20... "But who do YOU say that I am?"

Is Jesus enough for you?  simply Jesus.
Is He still good when His track looks different than what we thought it would?
Is His plan still perfect when we can't see very far down this track we're on?

To my friends, near and far, young and older,  whose life's track have taken hard turns, Jesus wants you to find Him.  To know and see that He is more than Healer and Prayer Answerer. 

He wants relationship.  He wants to be enjoyed and loved for Who He is and not what He does.

Many you find and know Him today.

One day the train will come.  One day it will make sense.  One day...
Until then, let's keep our hand in the hand of Jesus, He will Guide us safely.

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