Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Bloom, Right Where You Are

 This summer of 2023, found our family on a 4 week trip heading west. We left with much excitement and for me, it's a trip I'd do all over again. 

As it goes with travel, there is so much to see and learn about the world. To experience it firsthand is a gift I treasure. 

One of the things that stood out to me and I saw over and over again, was the life that exploded in many hard and out-of- the-way places. 

Bloom where you are planted, is a quote that has often been used and quoted. It may be a quote that inspires you but it may irritate you as well.

I don't always like where I'm planted. The soil, the circumstances aren't what I envisioned and to bloom means I need to reconcile that reality. It calls for a letting go of what I envisioned, to receive where I am and the gift of today. 

One particular walk that we did stands out to me. We had literally walked miles and the path we were on was sandy which made walking even more challenging. It was evening and I was exhausted in all ways, my legs screaming, "I'm done!"

Near the end of the trail, here were these little white flowers blooming. I stopped and took a picture of one of them. They were simply offering beauty to my weary heart and I took a moment to inhale the strength that gave. 

This flower, in this spot, is blooming alone. Pure, white, and beautiful. 

Even now as I write, it evokes tears. I remember how tired I was. I remember the exhaustion.

And I remember the vivid splendour and how encouraging this flower was. 

Blooming right where you are is a process. Not a linear one, but one of ever learning to accept today and choosing to see the gifts along our path.

Blooming is a byproduct. The mystery happens in our soul as we learn to trust our Father. He becomes the Voice that matters most to our soul and as we listen to His voice we find a space to heal, grow, and bloom.

When we release the tension and fighting of our circumstances, we find a space that is bigger than ourselves.

There were so many times I saw this. Over and over, experiencing the beauty in out-of-the-way and hard areas. Maybe it was a message that my soul needed. 

And I pass it on to you. 

It's been said many times, life is 10% what happens to you and 90% you're attitude towards it.

Bloom. Right where you are. You may never know what you offer to another weary soul. 

You're out-of-way blooming might be just for in-the-way for another weary traveler.

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