Winter is a hard season, one filled with bitter winds, slushy roads, sliding and slipping into ditches. But it's also filled with glorious sunshine, crunchy sound beneath the boots, crisp and rejuvenating air, sledding down a hill, maybe even a snow machine ride.
Wooded areas become exposed as trees give way to bare branches. Things that were hidden as trees were filled with leaves and fruit can now be seen - that barn, branches laced with the sun's radiant glory.
Life is now dormant, laying beneath the cold earth that may be covered with snow. Life takes on a new role as roots go down deeper and the sap is being renewed for the season that is to come.
Winter is a time for rest and replenishing. It's a time for quiet life to be within, not only in nature but also in our own heart and mind.
When the harsh winds of rejection, loss of a loved one, job, or friendship blow; it's easy to forget the 'sunshine and warmth'. Our winters are a time to go deeper with Jesus and to put our roots further into His presence. Letting the warmth of the Son fill our souls and lace our lives with His glory.
Winter is remembering who we really are without the signs of life and productivity. For the tree as it stands tall, bare, and exposed is really all that it is, for without what's within there would be no visible life of fruit and leaves in the coming season.
We are completely loved and whole because we are the son or daughter of Jesus. We are His beloved. We are redeemed. And no amount of doing, productivity, or lack thereof will alter that truth. Our life is within, the hope and love of Jesus is the sap that keeps us.
Life within, where quiet growth may happen, is the truest of springs and the life that matters most.
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