Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Breath of Spring

Spring speaks of new life.  Fresh, rejuvenating air to breathe in.  Hope.  Life anew.
The buds appear.  Life becomes VISIBLE.

After the grueling, cold and blustery winter, the spark of spring breathes hope in our weary souls.  It's the light at the end of the tunnel.
Yes, the wind is still cold, but the days are longer, the sun a bit brighter and the air a bit warmer.

And those blades of green poking out of the bare earth... ahhh... life peeking through.  hope.  I love the breath of spring as it sweeps over the bare earth, calling life to come forth.
It's also a season that I can become very impatient with... when the cold winds still blow among the days of warmth, and I want the warmth.  I want the hope of today to linger on...

We cannot live without the hope of spring.  Our souls would truly become hard and barren.  Spring thaws leave the hard ground soft and mushy once again.  The trees start to get those tinges of red hues as the buds push forth from the bare, brown limbs.  LIFE.  My heart takes a deep breath and thaws... softens a little bit more...  ahhhh....  breathe in, breathe out, absorbing the Greater Truths of God's heart.  His love.  His hope.  His Words.  Allowing the breath of His Spirit sweep over my heart to call forth new life.

Spring is when we get to see the new growth God has done during the winter of our souls.  To see the life that only He can bring forth out of what was bare and stripped.
Lazarus.  dead.  for 3 days.  Called forth by the Maker of life to new life.  Out of the barren grave, cold and dark.  Jesus wants to birth new life in your heart.  Will you let Him??  He wants to set you free!

The hard of winter won't stay forever... spring will come.  It must for without it we would wither and die.
If you find yourself in the middle of winter - bare, vulnerable, and stripped; spring will come in God's timing for your soul.  Keep holding the hand of the One who loves you VERY MUCH, grip it if you must.  Don't let go.  Spring will come...

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