Friday, November 7, 2014

Something new, Something beginning...

Whew... how does one go about beginnings??  When do you launch out and give it a whirl??  I guess, you simply just do it!  So i am.
I invited one of my blogger friends and we spent the morning touching a bit into our lives and her beginning me on this venture. :) 
Maybe you feel like it's one more blog. one more thing to read. and you're a bit 'bitter' about all the input of the world of words.  that's ok.  you don't have to feel any obligations to read.
But i know the power of someone's story.  the power of their words and the many times i have been 'mentored' by them.  and so, i ... step out and, for you, who may be encouraged or mentored through the words on these pages, i write.  and for me, to learn from you.  because it's not my story above yours or that what i write is better than yours.  it is simply my story and i share a piece of it with you.  and i pray, that you may at times, trust me with yours...
I will write about my questions or my musings.  I will even write about my ponderings or the latest inspiration i get as i read God's Word and 'sit' at His feet.  I invite you to 'interact' with me, for it's in relating and interacting together that we experience more of life and can learn from each other more about God.   Let's 'taste' God. together.

PS. I think i better simply hit the publish button before i back out...

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Judith! Your first blog post! I will be adding your blog to the side panel on my blog so I don't miss any posts. I look forward to reading it.
