Monday, November 10, 2014

What Does it Take to Walk in the Midst of Hard

Here are some of my twirling thoughts....

I just read Hebrews 11, the faith chapter, and how without FAITH it is impossible to please God.  And the people listed were not perfect people.  They did not have it all-together.  But they had a heart bent towards God and it was counted for righteousness and great things happened.  Stories we tell to our children and each other pour forth.  But they did not know the end result.  they did not know lions mouths would be shut. or fire would produce no damage.  or a ram would be found in a bush.  Abraham never got to see the complete fulfillment of God's promise to him.
But they walked.  they followed.  they BELIEVED God.  they were convinced of His love for them and convinced that He was who said He was.

I AM. (Jesus)

This past Sunday, our Sunday School lesson was in Philippians, and the recurring theme is JOY.  Paul wrote this letter while in prison and spoke much of joy.  Joy.  In the middle of hard things - prison.  In the midst of when it would seem, what good am I in here, he writes of joy, not happiness, but JOY.
How does one understand and grasp joy?  What is joy??
One definition that I like is - a deep and quiet conviction that God loves me no matter what.  That He is not out 'to get' me.
Joy is a result of a relationship and connection with God.  It cannot be bought or worked on, but is a fruit of the Spirit.  And it's in the middle of hard things we experience.

And now, I wonder how all this ties in with life.  with reality.
It's easy to write these words, but hard in reality.  And reality is...
death.  sickness.  loss.

That is real for some today.  One death is an elderly woman.  a grandma.  the other an infant.  one who was 2 days away from seeing light and breath.
So, how does FAITH and JOY and death tie together??  How do we lean into the reality of faith and joy in the midst of hard??

We hang on to the hand of Jesus.  We grip it tightly, while all around the facts don't make sense.  We lean toward Jesus and choose to believe that it is a part of redemption.  We choose to believe He still loves us and is not out to punish or hurt us.  We believe.  That is FAITH.  And it counts.  It matters to God when we turn towards Him in the middle of the hard and not away...

And JOY.  It is not some bubbly, happy feeling.  Yes, it can be.  But in the midst of death, or any hard thing we may face, it's looking for and finding the stars in the darkness.  It's recognizing the care of those who reach out to us.  It's the prayers.  the peace of God.  It's looking, grappling, and reaching for the hand of God.  and clinging when it doesn't make sense. (and sometimes we need SOMEONE else to help us). IT'S BEING CONVINCED OF WHO GOD IS AND THAT HE LOVES ME!

Pain is still there.  But peace has stepped in.
Loss leaves an empty spot.  But Jesus wants to fill it.
Temporary perspective is exchanged with the eternal.

and our hearts find rest. peace (make at one with).  JOY flows forth.  not because of me.  but because of God.  Joy happens as a result...

And with the heart cry of God in Ezekiel, we find Him.
That they may know that I am God... was God's heartbeat for all people, Israel and the surrounding nations and people.  And it STILL IS His heart-cry.  for us to know Him.  to experience His goodness and care in the midst of hard.  we partake. we taste...

-the care at the hands of another
-the blazing colours of the sunset
-breath for another day
-prayers  from another for grace to go on believing
and more...

It takes knowing and believing GOD.  And some times, the hard is where we find Him again.

to the Schrock family & to Aaron & Jona -
May you discover more of God and I wish you His peace and grace (joy). today. right now...

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