Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Seasonal Beauty

morning beauty after a heavy dew
Summer Delight
intricate design

simple unfiltered beauty
I developed some pictures from the past months and these were a few of the treasures that were caught.  It seems quite different after the snow of yesterday and the bareness of the trees, but each season is for a reason and each has a beauty all of its own.

A few years ago, in the midst of struggle and questions and more... I was taking a walk on a November day and was struck by the beauty on the bare trees and felt the whisper of God to put my roots down in Him in the same way the roots of a tree do during a time of winter.
So, I chose to listen.  to seek out more of what He was whispering in my heart, and it became life-changing.  My world fell apart to be given back in a new and more vibrant way.

I learned lessons from the tree and some analogies and want to share them with you in the next several posts.  It has become my heart's cry and passion, for I believe out of our roots in Him, our fruit will flow and we will FLY!  even in the midst of longings and desires not met or fulfilled in the way we want them.

Will be in touch.
Love to you and may you most of all feel HIS LOVE deep in your soul!


PS.  I long for the beauty and fruit of the summer, but for now will rest in the stark beauty of winter.  We need winter to have spring & summer... :)


  1. Aaahhhh.....the pictures with green, GREEN are so refreshing!! I find it hard to appreciate Winter, even though I know it's necessary and has a beauty all it's own.

    1. yeah, i know what you mean. green is definitely refreshing. i looked at those pictures and my heart sighed... :)
