Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Day 17 - Glass Pebble Beach and the Redwoods

Thursday, June 29,2023


 Our first stop for this day was the Glass Pebble Beach. Carlin had picked this place to visit and was looking forward to it. He was a bit disappointed as the glass pieces were really small and tiny where we were. It's glass that's been broken years ago and washed on shore but it's not jagged, but rather smoothed by the water.

Insert here our morning routine and what it all entails when we need to pack up and go.

Sheldon and Carlin were in charge of the electric, water, and sewer hookups and tear down.

Brandon helped to hook the camper up to the truck or unhook it and also to level it and put down the jacks.

This morning Titus went to fill the truck up with gas before we left.  So we're all packed up and waiting for him to get back.

So, the goofing off and man to man tousling happens...

Tidbits of beauty along our way.

bathroom break... a moment of balancing on the edge while waiting till we're all ready to go find the glass pebbles.

they were watching a hermit crab toddle around

Searching for the blue pieces which are not plentiful but the most searched for. 

wonder whose house this is...

giving rides?!!

The road to the Drive-thru Tree was soooo curvy. It was constant curves so much so that it was 3x the minutes to the mileage for us as we pulled the camper. We saw towering trees and ones that formed tunnels and some very beautiful sights of the ocean.

tree canopy or tree tunnels were fascinating

solitary blooming.  right here.

That's just one of the many tight curves... and yes, it took 11 minutes to go 3.8 miles... 😳🤷‍♀️😊

Yes, that's where we're going...

slow was our speed so let's add a bit of spice to our slow going...

We stopped at the Drive-thru Tree. Yes, we made it with a half inch to spare. It was a tad bit narrower at the start. The folded-in mirror scraped, so Titus backed up and readjusted and came on through, with just a bit of room to spare. Brandon was watching on the passenger's side and the other two were on the tailgate, watching the roof.

Will it fit??

Made it!

After we were through the tree, we ate lunch among the Redwoods. So, so calming.
The Redwoods are definitely one of my favourites. They are stately, majestic, and a beautiful colour.

A very fitting description of the redwood tree.

This seemed to be a common thread that I noticed in all areas...
blooming in hard or out-of-way places.  Blooming. Right where you are.


We left the Drive-Thru tree to continue on to Redwood National Park. We drove a short piece of the Avenue of the Giants, but had to go back on the main route due to a road closure. 

Notice the houses at different levels on the hillside...
When there's mountain hillsides... you simply use the space.

the feet needed somewhere to go...

truck shenanigans... 


We stopped here for information on trails etc.

Blooming. Even in a crack.
Brighten the corner where you are. 
Being a blessing to anyone who will notice. 

What a beautiful walk/hike!!

this trail... so majestic

Big Tree

the Cathedral Trees trail continues
And it truly felt like you were in a cathedral.  The Redwood trees are so majestic and stately.  As I walked, all felt hushed and in awe.

sunlight and shadows

Shadows represent the real thing.  They tell of a presence that is true.  And yet, shadows can sometimes not be quite the correct interpretation of the real.
"For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then I will know fully, just as I also have been fully known." I Corinthians 13:12
"For the law, since it has only a shadow of good things to come and not the form of those things itself," Hebrews 10:1  

Small vs. Mighty
(camper and the redwood trees)

And on we go toward our campground

fog and sunlight

It was getting late and Titus still did not have his clam chowder and tomorrow we will be leaving the coast.  So, we stopped here for our evening meal.

While we waited...

The long-awaited clam chowder. He wanted to taste it along the coast and this night would be our last evening on the coast. With a late evening, we found this restaurant that served clam chowder. It did not disappoint him. 

It was a short night at this campground as we got in late and were leaving early the next morning, so we left the camper hooked to the truck. Worked very nicely and saved time the next morning as we packed up.
(I took this picture the next morning.)

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